How we create America’s favorite treat! The best gourmet Cookies in town!

By Blog Tuscany | October 15, 2021

By the year of 1930, a woman named Ruth Graves Wakefield, owner of a bed & breakfast called Toll House Inn located in Massachusetts, decided to add chocolate to a cookie recipe. In an attempt to please her guests, Ruth made the first American chocolate chip cookie ever (thank you, Ruth!).

Cookies were originally created in England during the process of baking cakes. The chefs at the time used to separate a piece of the cake dough and put it in the oven to make sure the temperature was right, until one day they tried it and only then they realized something delicious was created. But since the day Ruth added those chocolate pieces to it, Americans started to refine it until it became known across the whole world. They became incredible popular really fast due to their size, softness and convenience. People started to consume cookies as desserts, snacks, with coffee, tea or even milk across different times of the day, and so it became part of the daily routine of millions of people.

From that moment on, they could be found in every shelf of any grocery store across all states of the country. But as years went by, with their popularization, too many brands and bakeries started to sell artificially-made cookies, which unfortunately aren’t as harmless as we think. Those types of additives can affect your health in many bad ways, such as the development of diseases which can affect even how long you live.

Sadly, that still occurs in the present days, when you can find so many versions of cookies, made with a bunch of food preservatives and artificial flavors, that you can’t even distinguish one brand from another, because most of them use the same unhealthy chemical components in their recipes. 

When Tuscany was born, we had the vision of making American food clean again. What this means is that we believe food should be made with all-natural ingredients, without the addition of food preservatives, sweeteners, hydrogenated fats or any kind of artificial ingredient. And after some time of trying different recipes, methods, and reuniting the best team ever, we finally brought our dream to reality!

Our gourmet cookies are made from scratch with all the love and dedication as if it was made by your very own grandma. We want to make sure you have the same feeling of when you were a child and you could smell freshly made cookies after a long day! We also wanted to provide a genuine experience from the first bite until the last crumble, by working hard separating the perfect amount of flour, eggs, sugar and other natural secret ingredients (we couldn’t give away our perfect formula, could we?). 

You might be asking how we produce them, right? Well, we start our process by selecting the finest ingredients to ensure from the very beginning of the process our cookies have the highest quality possible. After we separate just the right amount of ingredients for each one of our several batches, it’s time to start mixing and combining them to create our unique goodies. From our most traditional cookies to the most complex ones, we must pay attention to the process of shaping, spacing, time and temperature of the oven, and the cooling process to finish it all up. All of those steps are very important, and the slightest slip can make our cookies change their taste completely.  

When our cookies are finally done, we make sure to store them in a space safe from external factors such as heat, humidity and any other aspect that could influence the overall quality of our products. After that they are perfectly packed and can wait for transportation.

Even though we are based in Las Vegas, we supply across the entire US. We also keep our production running non-stop to keep all of our customers supplied and ready to either consume or sell our cookies. After they’re packed and stored, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to savor our gourmet cookies by purchasing them at any of our customers’ groceries stores, or by placing an order online. It’s all about making the best and easiest experience for you.

The reason behind all our care to keep our quality top-high across ingredients, shipment, service and all the aspects forementioned is because we believe that by making amazing cookies and providing the best experience for our customers, you’ll always come back for more. Your feedback is essential for us to keep producing the best cookies you ever had and already love. And we are very happy to see our customers always wanting more, that’s why our team works hard to create new special and unique recipes every single day!

It’s our mission to show our customers that you don’t have to give up the perfect cookie flavor in order to be healthy. It’s possible to have both quality and tastefulness, and our cookies are the hard proof. If you want to know more about it, you should check out our website and discover all the options we have, from the already known traditional cookies to the vegan ones. We’re sure you will find something you can’t resist.

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