Online Cookie Store – Cookies and Holidays are a Match!

By Blog Tuscany | June 2, 2022

Online Cookie Store – How Tuscany Cookies Are The Best Match For Holidays


Why Are Holidays So Important?


When we’re young, we’re always waiting and wishing for holidays. Waiting for Christmas, waiting for Halloween, waiting for the best time of our lives! Holidays are a special time of the year where you can relax and have fun, but do you know the true meaning behind them? They’re a time of the year when people can celebrate something or someone that made a difference through history, or even to be with your family and loved ones. Many years ago, holidays were meant to pay tribute to an event, like the fourth of July, to a profession or even to different personalities through the cultures. Since we were little, we were taught to appreciate holidays and learn the meaning behind them.

And what’s a perfect holiday without a delicious snack? That’s one of the perks of enjoying a time off, being able to eat delicious food with people you love. And Tuscany can be a part of these amazing moments!

Our delicious gourmet cookies in the USA, that you can find in our online cookie store, are an amazing option of treats you can serve or eat during this time.


How Holidays Are The Best Match With Cookies?


You must be wondering why gourmet cookies are the best match with holidays, right? Well, the answer is easy but we will tell you a story first. It all started with Christmas cookies!

During the 10th century, people used to celebrate the changing of seasons with rituals gathering friends and family, and in those events it was common to share fruits the community had harvested. That habit continued to grow throughout the years, and through time those fruits were replaced with different kinds of foods and treats. There was a time when cinnamon, nutmeg, apricot  and other seasonings and fruits were very popular, so people started making desserts with those ingredients, then cookies were discovered, and became the most popular treat options.

By the year of 1930, when the Great Depression hit, some families couldn’t afford giving presents, so they baked cookies in order to show gratitude and love for others. And when it was during Christmas time, people would bake cookies for Santa Claus as a way of playing with their children. Since that time, cookies were seen as something more than just a treat, it was a sign of love and admiration for others. So, answering the question, cookies are the best match with holidays because of its meaning. It’s all about cherishing the ones you love and making them happy, while savoring the deliciousness of a gourmet american cookie.

With that being said, we wanted to ask you: do you know why Tuscany is the best option for gourmet cookies in the USA for the Holidays?


Tuscany: The Best Cookies – Gourmet Cookies in USA


By knowing the true meaning behind the cookies on holidays, now you know how important it is to maintain tradition with the best cookies you can find. Tuscany is a cookie bakery located in Las Vegas that is always on the making of something amazing. Not a day goes by that we’re not innovating and creating new flavors and new ways to surprise you.

If you already know us, you know you can trust us when choosing the best cookies ever. When Tuscany was created, our team gathered with amazing ideas for our customers, because we had the mission of making you always come back for more and more. It all started with the vision of making american food clean again, and now look where we are!


Our team works hard everyday to make sure our customers are always satisfied with our cookies and goodies. And how do we make that? By reinforcing the need for feedback each time you place an order. It’s so important for us, so we can continue to provide the best gourmet cookies you’ve ever tasted. By using only clean ingredients, such as all-natural ones, we’re offering the best quality ever, and we make sure to pay attention to the whole process so nothing gets lost of track. The selection of ingredients, the baking, the packing and the delivering is all on us. We have a huge team of hard workers that is happy to help our dream come true.


We used to have only one website, but now with our online cookie store you can explore and choose the best option for you. We have so many flavors you won’t believe, we want everybody to taste our heavenly made cookies, that’s why we have so many options. Don’t miss the chance to savor them or give someone our amazing cookie boxes. It’s our job to make you happy, and it’s up to you to let us! Explore our online store to find something so delicious you can’t find anywhere else. We’re sure you’ll love it.

Place your order with us, chat with us!

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